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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Help:

It can be very hard to overcome drug addiction, alcoholism, or another substance use disorder on your own. For this reason, support groups and treatment centers exist to help you recover and maintain your recovery.

Self-Help, Mutual Support Groups with International Reach:

Narcotics AnonymousNarcotics Anonymous strives to help individuals through recovery from addiction. The program does not distinguish between different drugs, including alcohol, and the services are free. At NA individuals go to group meetings and follow a spirituality-based 12-step recovery program. Though it is based in spirituality, you do not have to be religious or spiritual before attending NA. NA is global in reach and is community based. You can find meetings near you through the NA website.

Alcoholics AnonymousAlcoholics Anonymous is similar to Narcotics Anonymous, though it mainly focuses on recovery from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking, and there are no fees involved. AA also follows a 12-step program, and is based largely on group meetings. Meetings can be found all around the world, and you can go to their site to find a meeting near you.

SMART RecoverySMART Recovery helps individuals recover from all types of addictions and addictive behaviors. They offer free, self-empowering, and science-based support groups. The addiction recovery tools that participants learn are based in scientific research. They offer face-to-face meetings all around the world in addition to daily online meetings and a 24-hour online discussion board.

Secular Organizations for SobrietySecular Organizations for Sobriety, or “SOS” is a network of autonomous groups that offer group meetings for people looking to achieve and maintain sobriety. They offer an alternative to the 12-step model and invite both secular and religious individuals into their groups. Groups associated with SOS are located throughout the world.

Women for SobrietyWomen for Sobriety is a self-help program intended to help people recover from alcoholism and addiction. It is based on a 13 statement program that encourages emotional and spiritual growth in women. There are chapters across the US and abroad.

Finding Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs:

Dual Diagnosis:

It is extremely common for individuals with drug addiction, alcoholism, or another substance use disorder to also have issues with their mental health. In these situations, treatment can be more difficult as it must address all sides of an individual’s problem. Dual diagnosis centers do just that.

Support Groups:


Support groups can help you recover from drug abuse!

Dual Recovery AnonymousDual Recovery Anonymous is an anonymous, 12-step self-help and mutual support groups for individuals with a chemical dependency and an emotional or psychiatric illness. The group focuses on relapse prevention and improving the quality of life of its members. Meetings are chaired and run by DRA members themselves and are held throughout the US, in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, and India.

Double Trouble in RecoveryThis program is run by Hazelden, a network of addiction treatment centers in the US. Double Trouble in Recovery (DTR) is also a self-help mutual support group for individuals who are diagnosed with co-occurring disorders. They hold meetings across the country as well as provide the materials for you to start a meeting in your area.

Finding Dual Diagnosis Treatment:

Support Groups for Families of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts:

The families and loved ones of individuals with substance abuse problems are often strongly affected by their loved one’s addiction and in need of support, as well. These organizations bring people with common problems together to help each other and help themselves.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA): NACoA is a nation-wide non-profit organization that also has offices in Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. They work to help the children of alcohol and drug dependent individuals by raising public awareness, advance education and prevention. They provide informational material and support over the phone for children of addicts.

Al-Anon Family GroupsAl-Anon Family Groups is an organization that hosts and helps others set up mutual support groups for friends and family members of alcoholics. At these meetings, everyone is able to share their stories and hear those of others in a non-judgmental environment.

Nar-Anon Family GroupsNar-Anon Family Groups are very similar to Al-Anon Family Groups. They are mutual support groups whose only requirement is having a friend or relative who’s addiction problem has affected you. The groups can be found around the world. They follow a 12-step program adapted from Narcotics Anonymous to help those involved help themselves.  

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)ACA is an anonymous program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home environments. They also follow a 12-step, 12-tradition program to encourage people to help themselves and others.

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