Addiction Hurts: How to Forgive Yourself for Your Bad Decisions - In order to move on from the guilt of your past, you need to first learn how to forgive yourself.
- Connecting with Your Loved Ones During Opiate Addiction Treatment - There are two main models of opiate addiction treatment: outpatient and inpatient. If you enter outpatient addiction to opiate treatment, you only enter the facility to attend treatment sessions. The rest of your time can be spent connecting with your support system if that is what you need to succeed. But, if you enter inpatient ...
The Dangers of Living with a Hydrocodone Addiction through the Holidays - If you’ve ever undergone surgery or suffered an injury, hydrocodone may well have been prescribed as a pain medication. Overall, hydrocodone exists as the most frequently prescribed pain reliever across the globe, according to the Connecticut State website. Hydrocodone also produces certain unintended side effects that account for its use as a highly popular recreational ...
What are Gateway Drugs? - Commonly known gateway drugs include nicotine, marijuana, and alcohol.
Opiates & Opium: What is the Difference? - Although opiates and opium are initially derived from the same place, there are some notable differences.