Why Bother with Residential Opium Addiction Treatment When Outpatient Care is More Convenient?
The decision to enter opium addiction treatment does not come lightly considering the hold this drug exerts over the mind and body. Opium and opium-based drug addiction rates have skyrocketed over the past decade and for good reason. Once a full-blown addiction takes shape, the ability to take back control of one’s life from drug abuse becomes more and more difficult with each passing day.
Once the decision to enter opium addiction treatment is made, deciding which program will best meet your needs can be frustrating in its own right. This can be especially true for people who still have work and family responsibilities to meet.
While residential opium addiction treatment programs take a more comprehensive approach to treating addiction, outpatient programs offer a certain degree of convenience, at least when it comes to scheduling treatment sessions. That being so, anyone about to enter opium addiction treatment may want to take his or her actual treatment needs into account before choosing convenience over inconvenience.
Residential Opium Addiction Treatment vs. Outpatient Care
When opium addiction damages important areas of your life, residential treatment is often necessary.
By the time opium addiction takes hold, a person can no longer cope with everyday life without the drug’s effects to make it through. At this point, the brain can no longer regulate the body’s systems in a normal manner on its own. Likewise, the mind has reached a point where a person’s sense of security, safety and competency depends on a steady supply of the drug in the system.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, opium addiction treatment programs address both the physical and psychological aftereffects of addiction, with heavy emphasis placed on the psychological/emotional effects. Residential and outpatient programs differ in terms of treatment intensity where residential programs operate as live-in facilities, whereas outpatient programs allow patients to live at home while scheduling treatment sessions around their existing schedules.
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Factors to Consider When Choosing between Residential Opium Addiction Treatment and Outpatient Care
Opium Addiction Severity
As a general rule, the more severe the addiction problem, the more a person needs intensive treatment care. Chronic opium addiction essentially transforms a person’s psychological makeup to the point where a complete separation from one’s former life is needed to undo the damaging effects of addiction on his or her thinking.
Lifestyle Effects
Over time, opium addiction turns a person’s lifestyle inside-out in terms of disrupting his or her work life, family life and overall ability to live a normal or stable life, according to the Journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. The more damage opium addiction has wrought in a person’s life, the greater the need for an intensive, residential-based treatment approach.
Motivation for Treatment
Someone who still has work and family obligations to meet has more than a few good reasons to overcome the effects of opium addiction in his or her life. In this respect, a person can still exercise a certain degree of control in the face of addiction’s effects. Under these conditions, he or she can benefit from outpatient treatment without facing a high risk of relapse and eventual return to drug use.
If you or someone you know are considering opium addiction treatment and need help finding treatment that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 888-959-0638 to speak with one of our addictions specialists.