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Can’t I Just Quit on My Own? And Other Common Questions Preventing You from Seeking Treatment for Opiate Addiction

Sometimes the fear of seeking help can stop an addict from getting what they need to be sober from an opioid addiction and can have severe consequences. This fear begins with questions the addict may have and they may not be answered because either the addict is too afraid of the answer or because they do not have the resources that they need to get them.

Here are some common questions that may be preventing the opiate addict from seeking treatment. You can also call 888-959-0638 to get immediate placement into treatment.

Can’t I Just Quit on My Own?

When many addicts entertain the idea of quitting their addiction, it is very common for them to think they can quit on their own and to an extent, this is understandable. The individual might feel that since they allowed themselves to fall prey to the addiction to begin with, they should be able to find a way to quit on their own as well.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, as many opiate addicts will try to quit “cold turkey”, which may seem like a good idea but this can pose serious health risks that will require immediate medical attention.

What Can I Expect During Withdrawals?

Seeking Treatment

Believing you can quit on your own will just lead to further addiction problems.

According to the NIDA, when opioids are abused, they can cause severe respiratory depression and death and the withdrawal symptoms can include muscle and bone pains, restlessness, involuntary leg movements, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, and cold flashes due to quitting “cold turkey,” which makes professional treatment necessary.

Opiates will change the chemical structure of the addict’s mind and body, especially when it is abused over a long period and when he or she quits, their body will panic because it is not accustomed to not having the opiates anymore.

The withdrawal symptoms are a sign that the body is trying to find a way to function without the drug. The time it can take for these symptoms to begin depends on the amount taken, the frequency of use, and any other drugs currently in the addict’s system, and if there are any added medical conditions that could get in the way of a recovery.

How Long Will Withdrawal Last?

When an addict is trying to quit their addiction, he or she will begin to wonder how long these uncomfortable symptoms will last before the body adjusts and he or she start to feel better. Depending on the factors involved, the worst of the addiction can last up to a week and once the major withdrawal symptoms have passed, he or she will begin to feel better while they regain their health and energy.

This is an important first step, but it is only a step and it is still important for the individual to learn how to remain sober, which will require professional recovery treatment.

What do I Need to do to Remain Sober?

Many will assume this means the addiction is over but without professional help to learn how to cope in a world full of temptations and urges, it is likely that the addict will face a relapse. It is this danger to the individual’s recovery that makes it important for them to seek treatment in order to have a better chance at a drug-free life. Intensive inpatient drug treatment is an important factor in long-term sobriety.

Depending on the addict’s specific needs, they will need to go through a combination of individual and group therapy, coping skills training, and aftercare programs to help them after their treatment to receive the tools and support they need in order to return to their lives as a recovered addict.

According to the Utah Criminal Justice Center, most people who abuse substances do so to cope with the stress in their lives. Coping skills training uses cognitive-behavioral therapy to help them to learn new ways of coping with their daily struggles without the use of drugs or alcohol.

The Opiate Addiction Lifestyle – Lies & Disappointment: When is Enough, Enough?

It is not impossible for an addict to become sober and with the right answers to their questions; they can see how treatment will give them what they need to be the person they want to be.

It is important to know that it is extremely difficult to quit an opioid addiction on one’s own and what to expect when it comes to withdrawal symptoms, as well as how long it will last and what it will take to remain sober.

With professional treatment, sobriety from an opioid addiction is just around the corner and while it will be a life-long struggle, it can become that much easier if he or she are given the right tools.

Call 888-959-0638 to speak with an experienced individual who can assist you if you or a loved one is suffering from opioid addiction and needs professional help.

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