Do Opium Addiction Treatment Centers Still Exist?
Most treatment centers will admit individuals with any type of opioid abuse problem, including opium addiction. The drug itself is not as easy to get ahold of now as it once was, but luckily, treatment is still readily available for those who have been abusing it to the point of addiction.
Different Types of Treatment Programs
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Research studies on addiction treatment typically have classified programs into several general types or modalities.”
While every program doesn’t fit into one of these types perfectly, the main categories for addiction rehab programs include:
- Long-term residential rehab centers
- Short-term residential rehab centers
- Outpatient centers
There are programs falling under each of these categories that have the resources and the experience of treating many opioid addiction cases.
Because of this, it is likely that you will be able to find care for your opium abuse and be able to recover through traditional treatment.
Do Opium Addiction Treatment Centers Still Exist?
The rehab centers that treat opium addiction often also help those with opioid and heroin addictions.
For the most part, rehab centers will not focus merely on opium addiction treatment, partly because the drug’s abuse is less prevalent in today’s society (simply due to its inability to be found as often in a pure form).
This is also true because it limits the scope of the rehab center, especially when prescription opioid and heroin abuse are so prevalent and cause addiction syndromes that are similar to that caused by opium.
Find Opium Addiction Treatment
If you are an opium addict, or you have a friend who has been heavily abusing the drug, you can still find treatment at any rehab center that takes on opioid addicted patients. In addition, individualized drug counseling is also an option, as is attending a mutual-help group like Narcotics Anonymous.
There are many options for individuals addicted to opium who are looking for help. Such options include:
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Therapy
- Inpatient treatment
- Outpatient treatment
- Aftercare
- Support groups
If you want to learn more about the drug itself or its addiction syndrome, or if you would like to find a rehab center in your area, call 800-584-3274.