Can You Really Help an Addict?
Watching someone you care about go through the ravages of addiction is very frightening and draining. No one wants to see a loved one slowly slip away from them, but can you really help an addict? Not only can you help, you should help them. There are a number of things that you can do to help an addict that you care about.
Talking to Them About Their Addiction
One of the most important things you can do to help an addict is to talk to them. According to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, there are a number of things you should do when talking to someone you love about their addiction.
You need to have a plan, be well informed, be understanding, and not allow emotions to take over. Doing these things makes it easier to get someone into treatment.
Show them Support
Having a strong support network is one of the most important factors in successful addiction recovery. Even though they may have done and said many hurtful things, it is important that you understand this is the fault of the drugs and that you remain supportive of an addict and their recovery.
Expect Difficulties
Showing support will help motivate an addict to seek help.
Most addicts will not want to hear that you think they have a problem. They will be unwilling to admit that they have done things to hurt you. Drug addiction controls every aspect of their lives and keeps them from wanting help. You need to remain firm, and be willing to do whatever is necessary to get them help.
If you need assistance finding addiction treatment for someone you care about, call us at 888-959-0638.
Establish Trust
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addicts will do many things that harm those around them, such as being untruthful, unreliable, and unpredictable. They also may not be willing or able to admit they have a problem or need help.
This makes it difficult build trust between you, but trust is nevertheless essential to getting them the help they need. Being calm and well informed will help establish trust and get your loved one into treatment.
Set Boundaries
Structure is another important factor for addicts seeking recovery. By setting very firm boundaries and sticking to them you will help an addict you care about, even if it may seem difficult or painful at the time.
How an Intervention Can Help Your Loved One into Opiate Rehab
Use Ultimatums
Ultimatums can be very effective tools in getting an addict you care about to seek and maintain recovery. However, it is important that you understand that you must follow through on any ultimatum that you deliver. Failure to do so has a very real potential to damage any recovery progress or keep them from seeking treatment.
Find a Treatment Center that Works
Perhaps the most important step you can take in helping an addict is finding a treatment center that fits their needs and gives them the best chance of recovery. There are many different treatment options available, and the complicated nature of addiction makes finding the right features overwhelming. Call us today at 888-959-0638 and we can help you find the center that will best help your loved one.