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Opium Fact Sheet

Must know opium facts including the dangers, effects and risks of taking opium for recreational purposes.

Opium is a highly addictive narcotic that is derived from the poppy plant and can be used to make a number of prescription medications, heroin and other drugs.  The scientific term for opium is actually Papaver Somniferum but most people refer to the drug as opium or make a direct reference to the poppy plant …

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Afghanistan Opium Production on the Rise

A rise in Afghanistan opium production will likely give rise to the need for additional treatment for heroin, opium and opiate addiction cases.

Opium cultivation has long been a major asset to the Afghanistan GDP but in the past ten years production of opium had actually been slightly declining due largely in part to the War on Drugs. Unfortunately, for the third year in a row, Afghanistan opium production is now on the rise despite earlier drops that …

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