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Connecting with Your Loved Ones During Opiate Addiction Treatment

There are two main models of opiate addiction treatment: outpatient and inpatient. If you enter outpatient addiction to opiate treatment, you only enter the facility to attend treatment sessions. The rest of your time can be spent connecting with your support system if that is what you need to succeed. But, if you enter inpatient …

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Opiates & Opium: What is the Difference?

Although opiates and opium are initially derived from the same place, there are some notable differences.

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Addiction Hurts: How to Forgive Yourself for Your Bad Decisions

In order to move on from the guilt of your past, you need to first learn how to forgive yourself.

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Are You at Risk for Hepatitis C?

Many factors can put you at risk of contracting Hepatitis C, not just IV drug use.

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What are Gateway Drugs?

Commonly known gateway drugs include nicotine, marijuana, and alcohol.

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The Dangers of Living with a Hydrocodone Addiction through the Holidays

If you’ve ever undergone surgery or suffered an injury, hydrocodone may well have been prescribed as a pain medication. Overall, hydrocodone exists as the most frequently prescribed pain reliever across the globe, according to the Connecticut State website. Hydrocodone also produces certain unintended side effects that account for its use as a highly popular recreational …

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Opium Addiction: Making it Through the Holidays Alive

Parties, events and celebrations become more the norm than the exception during the holiday season as friends and family make it a point to spend time together. Television specials, talk shows and the media in general paint a perfect picture of warm feelings and good will for this time of year. Unfortunately, real life seldom …

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Is your Child Taking Your Prescription Opiates?

One of the new trends in drug addiction is children stealing their parents and siblings medications. Sometimes these medications wind up in a bowl for all party goers to use, other things your child is taking the medication to get high. Regardless of what they are doing with it, it is important to recognize the …

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How to tell if there is an Opium Den in Your Neighborhood

Unfortunately, opium and opiates are a huge problem in the United States. Opium houses still exist even in this day and age. Although these places are not the sanctioned opium dens of old, where people used to go to smoke raw opium, these are more houses and other places where people can go to smoke …

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Oral Opium Use Overdose Symptoms

The symptoms of opium overdose may appear slightly later when the drug is taken orally as it can take up to thirty minutes for the drug to actually take effect.

The method by which opium is used can sometimes produce different side effects and overdose symptoms.  When opium is taken orally, the symptoms of overdose tend to mimic those of a common overdose symptoms associated with many prescription medications and may or may not be life threatening.  In the event that overdose symptoms do occur, …

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