How to tell if there is an Opium Den in Your Neighborhood
Unfortunately, opium and opiates are a huge problem in the United States. Opium houses still exist even in this day and age. Although these places are not the sanctioned opium dens of old, where people used to go to smoke raw opium, these are more houses and other places where people can go to smoke or inject heroin. These are not to be mistaken for common hookah lounges that have sprung up across the United States. Hookah lounges are places where people go to smoke either nicotine based flavored liquid or herbs.
Opium dens and heroin houses are much more dangerous than hookah lounges. These are places people go to engage in illegal drug use of many types. Some are obvious while others are more subtle.
Your Neighbors Come and Go at Odd Hours
Know the signs of an opium den in your neighborhood!
One classic sign is that there is no normal schedule when it comes to a drug den. Strange people show up at all hours of the day and night. Most of them are not carrying things such as groceries or anything normal into the house. Many will show up alone or in small groups of people.
Most of these people will not look like friends or random visitors. They will seem to just be there to visit and most will leave within an few hours of coming there.
Sure Signs that there is Something Suspicious Going on
Here are some signs that a heroin or opium house exists in your neighborhood:
- Unusual noises coming from the house late at night,
- Continuous traffic in and out, no one seems to stay very long,
- Increased noises such as shouting or unusual noises,
- House is in need of repair with broken windows and other boarded up places,
- Yard is not taken care of properly,
- Unusual smells coming from the property,
- People loitering in front of or around the street the building is on,
- Some of these people might be armed,
- Frequent police visits to that same house, and
- Frequent traffic at unusual time of day and night.
These are just some of the signs that a home in your neighborhood is being used as a drug den. There are many others, including things like unusual trash build up and unkempt yards and properties.
What you Can do About an Opium or Heroin Den in Your Neighborhood
It is very important that you do not approach anyone from the house directly. Most people engaged in criminal activities are not exactly approachable. It is best to be safe and maintain a distance. A few non-confrontational things you can do are:
- Keep a record of coming and going,
- Keep details such as hair color, car make and model of frequent visitors,
- Contact the police from a safe distance especially if you feel that the illegal activity is happening immediately.
One of the key signs that there is an opium den in your neighborhood is that you have used heroin or opium in it. Although it can be dangerous to report the home used for this activity, it is possible for you to get away from it. You can do this by entering a reputable heroin or opium rehab. For more information on heroin rehabs or heroin dens call us at 888-959-0638.