Am I Addicted to Prescription Opioids?
If you have been abusing your prescription and no longer feel that you have the ability to stop taking the drug on your own, you are already addicted. This, coupled with the likelihood that your drug abuse has caused or is beginning to cause serious problems in your life, is the most serious indicator of addiction, and you will not be able to end that addiction until you are able to gain the right tools through professional treatment. If you:
- Abuse opioids constantly
- Have been considering switching to heroin
- Have stolen or lied in order to obtain more drugs
- Have overdosed on prescription opioids
- Have lost a relationship, a job, your financial security, or gotten arrested because of your opioid use
You should absolutely seek treatment right away. Opioid addiction is serious, and “use is compulsive and continues even when it causes harm,” which is why seeking treatment is the only way to make a change (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).
Is Treatment Necessary?
An opioid addiction can cause physical and emotional harm, and should be treated in a professional setting.
If you or someone you care about may be addicted to a prescription such as Oxycontin or hydrocodone, treatment may be the safest, most effective option for recovery. Not only will you gain support and guidance in treatment, you will also heal spiritually, mentally, and physically from the pain and disruption that has been caused in your life as a result of the addiction.
For immediate placement into a residential or outpatient treatment program that will guide you along a path to recovery and healing, call our helpline toll free at 888-959-0638. Our counselors are ready to assist you in taking the next steps away from addiction and towards a healthy, happy life.
Treatment centers are available in all different types including:
- Residential or inpatient treatment
- Outpatient treatment
- Holistic treatment
- Natural treatment
- Medical treatment and detox
- Luxury treatment
If you require treatment at an opioid addiction rehab clinic or you want to learn more about prescription opioids and the issues they can cause, call 800-584-3274.