Warning Signs of Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction is an ever increasing problem in the United States. Prescription pain medication is prescribed for everything from a sprained ankle to the chronic pain of arthritis. If you or someone you know takes painkillers such as opiates for any of these conditions, it is important to watch for signs of addiction.
Acting Secretively
Acting secretively is a very big sign that a person is addicted to painkillers. These prescription drugs are difficult to get and some people resort to be black market in order to obtain them. Once a criminal element is involved a secretive nature is almost always present. When someone is being overly secretive generally they are hiding something.
Craving the Painkiller
Cravings are part of any addiction, particularly if the person does not have the drug. They might be out or almost out and still crave the drug. According to the Mayo Clinic, these cravings can be very powerful and make you do things you would not otherwise do.
If you are a craving a drug it is time to seek treatment. You can find treatment by calling 888-959-0638.
Chronic Constipation
Opioid addicts will often exaggerate about how much pain they have.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many people who are addicted to pain medication suffer from chronic constipation. This often causes a myriad of bowel and intestinal problems. These problems can include bowel death which necessitates removal of the damaged section.
Describing Larger Amounts of Pain than the Condition Warrants
Some people addicted to pain medication will often exaggerate their pain. Instead of describing the pain as mild or moderate, they go straight to severe. Unfortunately, there is no way to judge the pain of another person so there is no way to tell if they are exaggerating or not.
Doctor Shopping
Doctor shopping is a huge sign that someone is abusing painkillers. If one doctor will not give them the drugs that they want, they will go to another. It is also considered doctor shopping when someone goes to multiple doctors to obtain different painkiller prescriptions. Although there is less of this happening now that new measures are in place to avoid duplicate prescriptions, it is still relatively prevalent.
Problems at School or Work
A problem with work or school could just be that but when a person shows the other signs of painkiller addiction, chances are it is a sign. Many people who are on drugs have difficulty maintaining their work or school like while they are doing drugs. They are often late or absent because of their drug use.
Sudden Mood Swings
Sudden mood swings can indicate a lot of issues but usually when accompanied by the other signs of drug use, it is a good indicator that someone is using. The person might go from fine to very angry or from happy to very sad suddenly. Many of the mood swings depend on the availability of the drug.
Finding Help for Painkiller Addiction
If you exhibit one or more of these signs, chances are you need help for your drug addiction. You can find the treatment you need by calling 888-959-0638. We can help.