Why You Should Get Rid of Unused Prescription Drugs
Almost everyone at one time or another has had drugs in their medicine cabinet that they are no longer taking. Sometimes its antibiotics or painkillers that you did not need to finish, other times it is a prescription your doctor has changed; regardless the unused medication just sits there. Unfortunately, there are consequences that may arise from having drugs that you are not using sitting in your medicine cabinet.
To Prevent Them from Being Stolen
Addicts steal drugs. They are more likely to take drugs that they think you no longer need or will not miss. If you leave drugs that you are not prescribed or are not actively taking, you should dispose of them to prevent them from getting stolen by someone who could possibly overdose on them.
Skittles Parties
An addict could steal your unused prescription drugs.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most drugs are given to teenagers by friends or parents. Some are old drugs are stolen by teens in order to contribute to skittles parties. At these parties people put drugs in a bowl and then just pick some out to take without knowing what they are.
This growing problem leads to drug addiction, overdose, and death. When the teens take the drugs they have no idea what they are taking or how they will react to it. If you’ve taken someone else’s drugs, you need to seek treatment.
Chances are you are already addicted and need help. To find the help that you need call 888-959-0638.
You Could be Held Responsible if Someone Else Takes Them
If someone, even an addict gets access to unused drugs, they could take them and become ill. In some cases you could be held responsible for their actions. This means someone who steals your unused drugs could sue you if they become ill after taking them. This is why you should always get rid of unused drugs.
A Child Could get a Hold of Them
Worst case scenario a child accidentally gets a hold of your unused drugs. If a child takes them thinking they are candy, they could potentially overdose and die. This sounds strange but happens hundreds of times per year. The death of a child is a tragic thing, particularly when it is because of something as preventable as disposing of unused drugs.
As Some Drugs Age they Become Harmful
Certain drugs become less potent with age while others may become harmful. If you are saving drugs for a specific purpose, it is a bad idea. There is no way to know if a drug will have the same effect as it ages.
Disposing of Unused Drugs
The Food and Drug Administration has strict guidelines on disposing of unused drugs do to these circumstances. This is to ensure the safety of everyone around them.
If you’ve take drugs that did not belong to you or stolen old drugs, there is a good chance that you are an addict in need of treatment. To find a treatment center for your addiction call 888-959-0638. We can help.