What are the Most Common Signs of Using Heroin?
Heroin is an illicit narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy. It is incredibly addictive and has seen significant growth as a substance of abuse in recent years. This is primarily due to the increase in prescription pain reliever abuse and addiction, as they are very similar drugs.
Heroin is stronger, so people that develop a high tolerance to pain pills will often transition to heroin in order to keep getting high. This feeds the epidemic of heroin abuse and addiction. But, what are the most common signs of using heroin that you may notice?
Physical Signs
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin is typically injected, smoked, or snorted and, regardless of the method of use, enters the brain very quickly. This can create very obvious physical signs that a person is using heroin. These are:
- Poor physical appearance
- Looking very tired or sickly
- Lethargy
- Uncleanliness
- Unexplained nose bleeds
- Severe cough or difficulty breathing
- Needle marks on arms, hands, or feet
Depression is a common psychological sign of heroin use.
All of these physical signs indicate heroin use and are a cause of concern. Due to the highly addictive nature of heroin, showing these signs means that the person is in need of substance abuse treatment that can address their heroin abuse.
Psychological Signs
In addition to physical signs, there are mental signs of heroin abuse. Heroin drastically alters brain chemistry, resulting in very severe psychological changes. According to the Mayo Clinic, the psychological signs of heroin use include:
- Depression
- Lack of awareness of surrounding people and things
- Confusion
- Poor coordination
- Speech difficulties
- Signs of sedation
These symptoms indicate the use of heroin. If someone is displaying any of these psychological signs of heroin use, call 888-959-0638 to help find them treatment options today.
Social Signs
Heroin use is not limited to physical and psychological symptoms. There are also several ways that heroin abuse affects a person’s social relationships and the everyday aspects of their life. Common social signs of heroin use include:
- Withdrawing from family and friends
- Missing work
- Failing to meet financial and family responsibilities
- Changes in friends
- Lack of interest in things they used to enjoys
- Legal troubles
These signs are indicative of the abuse of a substance such as heroin. If someone you care about is showing these signs of heroin use, you must be prepared to talk to them and help them get the professional treatment that they need.
Getting Treatment for Heroin Use
It is absolutely imperative that anyone using heroin receive substance abuse treatment as soon as possible. This is a very addictive and dangerous drug that claims numerous lives every year. HIV, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted diseases are very common in heroin users, as well.
Not only this, but heroin addiction is destructive to both the person using it and everyone around them. Getting treatment is the only way to stop the heroin abuse and help them get their life back on track. For help finding treatment for heroin use call 888-959-0638 today.