Recognizing the Signs of Withdrawal from Tramadol
Once billed as a nonaddictive opiate substitute, we now know that tramadol is both mildly addictive and causes withdrawal symptoms. Tramadol has the same potential for abuse as any other opiate and therefore, the same potential for withdrawal. If you or someone you love is taking tramadol it is important to recognize all of the signs of withdrawal and to know how to deal with them.
Types of Physical and Psychological Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms
There are two types of tramadol withdrawal symptoms, typical and atypical. The typical symptoms are relatively safe while the atypical withdrawal symptoms may be extremely dangerous. If you are going through tramadol withdrawal, a treatment center can help. To find the right one for you, call 888-959-0638.
Typical withdrawal
The typical withdrawal symptoms resemble the flu and the withdrawal of other opiates. These are:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Cramps
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain
- Shaking
- Sweating
- Poor temperature control
According to the Department of Justice, these symptoms are felt in about 90 percent of the cases of withdrawal reported.
Atypical withdrawal
Isolation and loneliness are common symptoms of Tramadol withdrawal.
Atypical tramadol withdrawal may be extremely dangerous. According to the National Library of Medicine, these symptoms include:
- Delusions
- Panic attacks
- Derealization
- Paranoid thoughts and feelings
- Visual, hepatic, auditory, and olfactory hallucinations
- Severe anxiety
- Severe tremors
- Unnatural sensory experiences such as numbness and tingling with no apparent cause
- Prickling of the skin
This experience is known as tramadol induced psychosis or tramadol withdrawal psychosis and may be very dangerous. Authorities estimate between 1 and 10 and 1 and 8 people experience atypical tramadol withdrawal.
Social and Behavioral Signs of Withdrawal from Tramadol
The symptoms of tramadol withdrawal are not only physical there are also social and behavioral signs of both addiction and withdrawal. Some of the social and behavioral withdrawals are:
- Withdrawing from family or friends
- Discontinuing normally pleasurable activities
- Isolation
- Loneliness
- Depressed behavior such as sleeping too much or too little
- Lack of interest in work or school
- Poor work or school performance
These are all products of withdrawal, although they also closely resemble addiction. Many people who suffer from withdrawal also suffer from the psychological consequences of depression and anxiety.
Knowing When to get Help for Tramadol Withdrawal
Knowing when to get help for tramadol withdrawal is key in surviving some of the worst effects. The best way to know if you need help for tramadol addiction and withdrawal is if you exhibit one of these signs:
- Severe illness when you stop taking tramadol
- Rapid heart rate
- Cravings
- Obsessing about tramadol and when you will get your next dose
- Fear of going through withdrawal alone
Fortunately, if you are exhibiting any of these signs, treatment is available. There are inpatient and outpatient treatment centers that specialize in treating tramadol and other opiate withdrawal symptoms. For more information or to find the right treatment center for you, call 888-959-0638.