How Tramadol Can Help with Opiate Withdrawal
In some cases, yes tramadol will help with opiate withdrawal. Although many people think that tramadol is a narcotic, it is not. It is a painkiller with opiate like qualities that some say is not nearly as addictive as standard opiates. Researchers and clinics worldwide are experimenting with the use of tramadol to help with opiate withdrawal.
In order to understand how tramadol helps with opiate addiction and the aftermath of it, it is important to understand how it affects you physically and how it works to ease withdrawal symptoms in some people.
How Using Tramadol Affects Your Body
Unlike opiates, tramadol is a more centrally active pain medication. According to theĀ Food and Drug Administration, tramadol stops or inhibits the uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine at a cellular level. Therefore, instead of binding to normal opioid receptors like methadone or opiates do, it acts on neurotransmitters to relieve pain.
Although many people believe tramadol to be an opiate, it just acts like one one in the body; essentially fooling your body into thinking you are still taking the opiates. If you are addicted to opiates, treatment is available, all you have to do is call 888-959-0638.
The Key Effects of Using Tramadol for Opiate Withdrawal
Tramadol can help you relax during withdrawal.
At the very least by keeping the norepinephrine and serotonin levels in the blood level, tramadol can lift your spirits and relax you during some of the worst mood swings during withdrawal. In some people, it also acts to:
- Relieve some gastrointestinal issues
- Prevent the insomnia that usually develops during withdrawal
- Relieve anxiety associate with opiate withdrawal and treatment
- Stop temperature fluctuations
In rare cases it also relieves nausea. Since it is a synthetic painkiller, it also relieves the aching muscles and joints that are associated with opiate withdrawal in general.
If you became addicted to opiates while being treated for chronic pain, tramadol is also capable of soothing the pain associated with arthritis and other chronic pain conditions. Pain relief is one of the most popular reasons for opiate use and misuse.
It is also a reason many people fear seeking treatment. Chronic pain can be devastating and many continue or increase their addiction in order to avoid the pain of withdrawal coupled with their chronic pain.
Methadone versus Tramadol for Opiate Withdrawal
According to a study conducted by theĀ National Center for Biotechnology Information, the only difference between using methadone and tramadol is that the side effects of tramadol are often less than methadone and you might perspire more. This makes tramadol a viable option for opiate withdrawal in certain people.
Tramadol is not suitable for everyone who is going through opiate withdrawal, just as methadone and medications like it are not suitable for everyone. The choice to take tramadol for opiate withdrawal depends on individual body chemistry and level of addiction.
Finding the Treatment that You Need for your Opiate Withdrawal
Tramadol is one of many treatment options for opiate withdrawal. To find the best treatment option for you call 888-959-0638. We can help.