Recognizing the Signs of Opioid Dependence
Simply put, an opioid is a medication that relieves pain. By reducing the intensity of pain signals to the brain, the person taking the medication is able to avoid pain and discomfort associated with things such as a surgical procedure or serious medical condition.
There are many types of opioids, including but not limited to oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, and codeine.
There are people who take an opioid for all the right reasons. There are also people who know what this drug can do for them, in terms of how it makes them feel, so they begin to take it illegally.
Note: some people start out taking an opioid as prescribed by a doctor, but soon realize they need more of the drug to achieve the desired effect. Over time, they become dependent on the drug, which could lead to an addiction.
We can help you find help for opioid addiction. Call 800-584-3274 toll free to find the help you need today.
Are Opioids Dangerous?
As your body becomes dependent on opioids, you will begin to crave them when you do not take them.
When taken as prescribed by a medical professional, opioids can be used to successfully manage pain. Conversely, if abused, even if one time, it can lead to a variety of health concerns.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse adds the following regarding regular use:
“Regular (e.g., several times a day, for several weeks or more) or longer term use or abuse of opioids can lead to physical dependence and, in some cases, addiction. Physical dependence is a normal adaptation to chronic exposure to a drug and is not the same as addiction.”
It doesn’t matter if a person has a physical dependence or addiction to the drug, this can begin to take over his or her life. They will constantly think about when they will get their next “fix.” They will wonder what they can do to make themselves feel better, which often leads back to additional drug use.
Do you believe you have developed an opioid dependence? Are you concerned that a loved one is using this type of drug? If you answered yes to one of these questions, it is important to learn more about opioids, including how they work and the many signs of dependence. The more you understand the better off you will be.
We can help you find treatment to overcome opiate dependence. Call 800-584-3274 toll free today.
Signs of Dependence
For many, the first step in overcoming a dependence is to simply recognize that this is a problem. Once you know what is going on, you can devise a strategy for putting drug use in the past. Fortunately, there are many signs of dependence.
- Withdrawal symptoms. When a person becomes dependent on a particular type of drug, such as an opioid, they will find it difficult to quit. Even if they realize they need to stop, doing so is another thing entirely.
There are many withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting opioids, including but not limited to insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, bone pain, and cold flashes. All of these can be uncomfortable. Some of these can be painful. Regardless, each and every withdrawal symptom needs to be dealt with accordingly, allowing you to remain healthy as you attempt to overcome your dependence on the drug.
- Unable to quit, despite the consequences. Opioid abuse can impact your life in a variety of ways. For example, it can take its toll on your mind as well as your body. Along with this, it can drag down personal relationships while causing a variety of financial difficulties.
Unfortunately, many people who are addicted to opioids are unable to quit, despite the fact that they realize what it is doing to them. This is a clear-cut sign of dependence. The person chooses the drug over a better life. While this may be the way things work for the time being, it is a hurdle that can be overcome.
- Socially withdrawn. This may not be a sign of opioid dependence in every person, but it is definitely something to keep an eye on. When a person is abusing this type of drug, there is a chance he or she will begin to withdraw from others in their life. This can lead to broken relationships, as well as friendships with people who do not have the person’s best interests in mind.
Being able to recognize the signs of opioid dependence is a big deal. That being said, there is nothing more important than taking the appropriate steps in overcoming the problem.
There are many treatment strategies for an opioid dependency and addiction. There will always be people who overcome this problem on their own. There are also those who require professional assistance, as they want to make sure they are on the right track now and will stay on this path in the future.
When a person develops an opioid dependency, regardless of how it comes about, it is important to stop taking the drug sooner rather than later. From there, getting the right treatment can help to put this in the past once and for all.
We can help you find the right treatment for you. Call 800-584-3274 toll free for help today.